Hotels Near Sky Harbor with Parking & Shuttle

How Our Packages Works

Park at the hotel

Leave your car parked at the hotel for
your whole trip!

Sleep the night

Get a good night's rest before or
after your flight!

Shuttle to the airport

A shuttle will be waiting to transport you -
at no extra cost!

Stay & fly packages at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Book now and save!

The Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona is the busiest (and largest) airport in Arizona. It’s owned by the City of Phoenix, and it’s conveniently located only 3 miles from downtown Phoenix. If you’re traveling to or from the Phoenix airport, we’re here to make your trip a little easier.

Park and Fly Packages Near Sky Harbor Airport

Driving to the airport from a neighboring city? It’s always stressful planning a trip with multiple legs. Instead of joining your driving and flying into one day, park stay fly packages allow you to drive to the airport on the day before your flight. You can spend the night at an airport hotel near the Phoenix airport, and the next day just take one of the free shuttles straight to your terminal. You won’t have to stress about getting to the airport early or missing your flight because of traffic. You won’t even have to think about Sky Harbor airport parking, because your car will be safely parked at the hotel parking garages.

Cheap Parking Near Sky Harbor Airport

PHX parking is expensive, and it makes sense. With so many passengers coming in and out of the airport, transportation is a key way to maximize airport earnings. It’s good for the airport, but what about travelers? Although it’s convenient, airport lots are not the only option for those looking to drive to the airport. You can search through for the many airport parking options available with discounted parking rates. They also usually come with shuttle service to the terminal. Your parking spot is finally guaranteed.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Address

3400 E Sky Harbor Blvd,

Phoenix, AZ 85034